Progesterone – The Almost Forgotten Hormone

Bioidentical Progesterone Supplementation
The importance of progesterone, a crucial sex hormone, is often overlooked. Progesterone imbalance affects both women and men. Scientific research is beginning to shed light on the importance of maintaining a balance between progesterone and estrogen for overall health and wellness. It’s also beginning to show significant differences between natural (bioidentical) and synthetic versions.
The primary hormones that are prescribed for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or birth control pills are derived from synthetic sources. They do not have the same function in the body that our own biological hormones do.
Studies show that synthetic hormones are linked to an increase in certain health problems. According to the Women’s Health Initiative study, an experiment involving hormone replacement therapy was stopped early due to the increase in breast cancer. Breast cancer rates have dropped significantly since reports of this study were released in 2002.
Risks and Benefits of Estrogen Plus Progestin in Healthy Postmenopausal Women
Discussion on Routine Hormone Replacement Therapy (Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health)
Presently, natural progesterone (bio-identical hormone therapy) is beginning to get recognition for its beneficial effects.
According to Dr. John R. Lee, an authority on hormone balancing: “Natural progesterone has a molecular structure identical to the progesterone produced by the human body and is created through the fermentation process of the Mexican wild yam.”
Lowered Progesterone Levels
From the time menses begins until menopause, levels of estrogen and progesterone in women ebb and flow to promote reproduction. At about age 35 to 40, women reach the time of perimenopause. This is when their levels of progesterone and estrogen begin to reduce.
During this time until about age 50, there is a 35% drop in estrogen, but a 75% reduction in progesterone happening at the same time. This normal process creates the perimenopausal symptoms accepted as part of the aging process.
Premenopausal women and many women in menopausal are overloaded with estrogen. At the same time they are suffering from progesterone deficiency because of the severe drop in physiological production during this period. This results in an inability to counteract the amount of estrogen in the body. It is most noticeable among perimenopausal women who do not ovulate. A common occurrence, a woman may appear to have a fairly normal cycle, but no egg is released and very little progesterone is produced.
Importance of Progesterone
“This essential hormone also plays a part in the development of healthy nerve cells and brain and thyroid function. Synthetic progestins tend to block the body’s ability to produce and utilize natural progesterone to maintain these life promoting functions.” ~
Progesterone can help prevent estrogen from affecting health among other protective factors. Therefore, supplementing with a natural progesterone cream, such as Progesta-Care or Progesta-Care for Men, can help. It may correct hormonal imbalances that cause symptoms associated with estrogen dominance.*
Progesterone is also the primary hormone of fertility and pregnancy. It’s essential to the survival of the fertilized egg, the embryo, and the fetus. In pregnancy, it prevents the shedding of the uterine lining, as a drop in progesterone can result in a miscarriage.
Natural progesterone helps to counterbalance the negative effects of estrogen. When there is not enough progesterone to counterbalance estrogen, one may begin to have symptoms of estrogen dominance. Common symptoms may include PMS, heavy or irregular periods, irritability, weight gain, anxiety, hair loss, low libido, fibrocystic breasts, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. Men can also experience symptoms related to to estrogen dominance.
Symptoms of Progesterone Deficiency in Women and Men
Symptoms in Women
- Hot Flashes
- Breast Tenderness
- Fibrocystic Breasts
- Anxiety
- Hair Loss
- Bone Loss
- Low Libido
- Night Sweats
- Irregular Periods
- Vaginal Dryness
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Infertility
- Weight Gain
- Acne
- Bloating
- Mood Swings
- Memory Lapses
- Loss of Muscle
- Nervousness
- Excess Facial/Body Hair
- Heavy or Painful Periods
- Urinary Incontinence
- Poor Concentration
- Irritability
Symptoms in Men
- Prostate problems
- Breast enlargement
- Bone/Muscle Loss
- Impotency
- Atherosclerosis
- Male patterned baldness
- Weight gain
- Low libido
Causes of Imbalance Between Progesterone and Estrogen
- Stress
- Obesity
- Poor Liver Function
- Birth Control Pills
- Plant Estrogens (soy, flaxseed, red clover)
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Peri-menopause
- Glandular Dysfunction
- Environmental estrogens
Progesterone as a Building Block
Furthermore, progesterone is a building block for many other hormones, including corticosteroids. They are produced by the adrenal glands and are essential for stress response, electrolyte balance, blood pressure, and survival. Without adequate progesterone, synthesis of the cortisones is impaired and the body turns to alternate pathways. These alternate pathways have masculine-producing side effects, such as long facial hairs and thinning scalp hair. Cortisol, DHEA, testosterone, and estrogen are all made from progesterone in a process that begins with cholesterol.
Importance of Balancing Progesterone and Estrogen
Hormones have a profound effect on your everyday health and well-being. Although only present in tiny amounts, they effect on every cell. Not only do hormones have individual effects, but they also interact with each other to produce dramatic effects in the body. Because of these interactions, they are able to trigger multiple body systems.
The balance of hormones in a woman’s body is very important. At different times in the life of a woman, hormonal imbalance can be caused by stress, obesity, poor liver function, birth control pills, plant estrogens (soy, flaxseed, red clover), hormone replacement therapy, peri-menopause, glandular dysfunction, and environmental estrogens.
Regardless of the cause, the end result of an imbalance between estrogen in relation to progesterone adds up to a condition Dr. John Lee has termed “estrogen dominance”. This condition can result in symptoms of PMS, perimenopause, or menopause.
Dr. Lee’s book Hormone Balance Made Simple explains this and more.
Problems with Synthetic Progesterone (Progestin)
It is important to understand the difference between natural bio-identical progesterone and the synthetic version commonly known as progestin. Natural progesterone is not a patentable product. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies have altered this hormone to produce synthetic progestins, which are patentable and are generally used in contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Synthetic progestins are not exact replicas of the body’s natural progesterone. Even though there is a big difference between the effects of natural and synthetic versions, doctors often interchange their names.
“The synthetic version of this hormone is not really progesterone; it is a progestin. Progestins are synthetic progesterone-like compounds manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. Synthetic progesterones are far more powerful than the body’s own natural progesterone and are metabolized as foreign substances into toxic metabolites … [and] can gravely interfere with the body’s own natural progesterone, create other hormone-related health problems, and further exacerbate estrogen dominance.” ~ Ward Dean, MD
Side Effects of Progestin
Unfortunately, there is a long list of side effects, some of which are quite severe.
- headaches
- depression
- fluid retention
- increased risk of birth defects
- increased risk of miscarriage
- liver dysfunction
- breast tenderness
- breakthrough bleeding
- acne
- insomnia
- hirsutism (hair growth)
- edema
- weight changes
- pulmonary embolism
- pre-menstrual (like) syndrome
Most importantly, synthetic progestins lack the intrinsic physiological benefits of progesterone, thus they cannot function in the major biosynthetic pathways as progesterone does and they can disrupt many fundamental processes in the body.
Natural (bio-identical) Progesterone Cream
We offer these products and more at Energetic Nutrition. As always, check with your doctor before you begin any hormone supplementation program.
Benefits of Natural Progesterone Include
- Promotion of a healthy sex hormone balance
- Having a calming effect
- Help to enhance mood
- Help to normalize menstrual cycles
- Increase sex drive
- Help use fat for energy[clear]
Paraben-Free, Non-Synthetic Progesterone Options

Creams Containing Progesterone and Estrogen

Related Products

More on Hormones
Could Estrogen Dominance Be Responsible for Your Weight Gain, Decreased Libido, Fatigue?
The Skinny on Fat – And the Role Hormones and Obesogens Play
Further Reading
- Natural Progesterone Advisory Network
- Hormone Balance in Men and Women
- Estrogen Dominance
- Progesterone: The ‘Feel-Good’ Hormone – Part 1
Comments are closed.
I read your whole article , I am having estrogen excess symptoms due to poor liver function.
I am in lot of pain and depressed.
Can’t take synthetic progesterone also.
Can you guide me about bioidentical progesterone would that be useful for me.can I talk to or mail to someone?
Hi there. We wouldn’t be able to offer you a whole lot more information than what we provided in this blog post. In addition, you may want to read through our article on Hormone Balance in Women and Men under the informational articles on our website. As far as guiding you on your particular needs, you will need to consult your medical practitioner. We are only a retailer and offer information to our customers, but not medical advice. Thanks for your inquiry and have a nice day!
I suffered from estrogen dominance myself and it truly is hard trying to figure out how to balance hormones. This article can help explain the problem in detail:
I just had a total hysterectomy. Do you recommend anything for me? My doctor says no HRT. Do you agree?
Hi Barbara,
Content on this blog is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Please consult your doctor regarding specific medical conditions. We are only a 3rd party retailer providing general health information, and not health advice. Thanks for your inquiry.
If I resume my organic progesterone intake which I took prior & during menopause, will it restore my hair? I have lost hair on the top of my head. I have read it will.
Thank you,
I’m interested to know if you are aware what happens when a person comes off Myomin. I’ve been taking it for over a year- I think it has been helpful although I’ve been taking other things too. I now want to TTC and think I should stop. Have you any experience of this?
Many thanks- Vanessa
What if the progesteron level is high ? What are the side effect?
I am takink aldacton as treatment for aldosteron high level and high blood pressure and recently i have done a blood test that shows my progesteron level is high about 5,1? Pls i need your help.