Why Do We Keep Killing Ourselves With Food? Are We Really That Stupid?

by Kirk Hamilton, PA-C
Evidently we are. The average American doesn’t understand that 7 of 10 deaths in the United States occur from chronic diseases that are largely preventable—and many times reversible—with low-fat, unprocessed vegan diets.
Dr. Barnard recommends in his 21 Day Kickstart Program. Both the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) state that these chronic diseases are related to four risk factors: poor diet, inactivity, tobacco and alcohol use.
The WHO further states, “… if these risk factors were eliminated, 80 percent of heart disease, stroke and diabetes, and 40 percent of cancers would be eliminated.” 1
That would be the greatest health discovery ever if implemented.
Why do we keep relying on drugs and surgical procedures to treat these chronic conditions when they are clearly reversible and preventable through diet?
I really believe, aside from ignorance and laziness, it’s because insurance companies cover treatments with drugs and surgery that are really ineffective at treating the cause of these illnesses. People would rather take a pill or have a surgical procedure that is paid for by insurance, than to get off their butts and do an aggressive diet like Dr. Barnard’s. His program and similar diets have been shown to reverse or dramatically slow the progression of diabetes, heart disease, obesity related illnesses and cancer (prostate).
If insurance companies would only cover catastrophic illness, such as traumas and infections, but not heart or vascular disease-related illnesses (except genetic structural disorders), type 2 diabetes, obesity related illnesses, and other chronic conditions—people would either sink (die) or swim (live), depending on their lifestyle choices.
Standard American Diet = Killing Ourselves with Food!
It is pure insanity!
If you think I am cruel or crazy, Ben Franklin once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
We will never have a chance at real healthcare reform, a viable economy, or a healthy population if we keep eating the Standard American Diet (SAD). In fact, with the tsunami of boomers that are arriving into their senior years, the American fabric of life may be destroyed because we have no means to take care of all these chronic diseases. We will go bankrupt spending an ever escalating part of our GDP (17% in 2011) on healthcare.
“In the Long-Term Budget Outlook that the Congressional Budget Office released in June 2009, total spending on health care was projected to reach about 31 percent of GDP in 2035 and about 46 percent in 2080 under the extended baseline scenario.” 2
If we didn’t pay for medication or surgical procedures with insurance, each individual would be forced to change or die—or pay out of pocket. With the latter, they might be more motivated to change. Sound extreme? So is the definition of insanity. Think about it.
About Kirk Hamilton
Kirk Hamilton graduated from the University of California, Davis Physician’s Assistant Program through their Department of Family Practice in 1983.
Since 1986 he has been a practicing Physician’s Assistant at Health Associates Medical Group in Sacramento, California, a nutrient oriented general practice. Kirk has worked in a variety of practice specialties including:
Family Practice, Nutrition, Prevention, Cardiology, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement, Allergy, Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine.
About Kirk’s Book
Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane
simplifies the causes and effects of modern chronic diseases by outlining the five dietary changes over the last century that have led to excess calorie consumption, and along with reduced physical activity, have resulted in the epidemics of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions.